
Eyes to see.

Remeber my post about Ricardo moving to America for his surgery? Well his surgery was done last week, and it was a great success.
This is an email I received from Suzanne this past week about his surgery:

"Ricardo's surgery was absolutely more than I had hoped for, the doctors were astounded, especially since the curvature of his eye was more severe than any they had seen before. His vision is now 20/80, the day after the surgery, he can read the 3rd line of the chart, quite astounding. His eye will continue to improve and he will eventually see 20/20. Quite a miracle after being blind!
We are confident that the prayers of you and so many others have helped to seal this boys future! Thank you for loving him and being a part of this effort." 

It is still strange to think of Ricardo living in America for now, but we are in awe of how this all came together. I am excited to see what God has planned for this little boy, pray for him as he is now in recovery and having to adjust to live in a new country.

Today I have been reminded over and over again of the love and sovereignty of God. His plans for us are more than we can hope or imagine. Ricardo now has the eyesight to see what God is doing around him the eyesight to witness the beauty and glory of what God has made. C.S Lewis said that "I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun, not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else."

Our prayer for you today is that you will see today, whether by your physical eyes or your heart, that God is good, and that He loves you more than you will ever be able to fathom.

Dr. Jim and his wife Molly. He did the surgery FOR FREE!

Ricardo with Suzanne and Dr. Jim.

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