
Sunny Saturday.

It has been a wet and rainy two months here in Namibia. Every night we have listened to the rain sifting onto our tin roof, and every morning we have smelled the freshly washed earth. Namibia is the driest country in Sub-Saharan Africa. The rain has been a huge blessing! There is one bothersome side-effect to all this rain, it is difficult to get out clothes to dry. Our house has looked comical at times, with wet clothes carefully draped over all the furniture! Today we woke up to a hot and sunny Saturday. The sun is out and there is not a cloud in sight! We had originally planned to go on a hike today, but since David is still getting over the bug he has been fighting for the last two weeks we have decided to stay home and get some chores done. I think all over Namibia today you will hear people washing their clothes, and the smell of detergent should fill the air by lunch time, and next week everyone will be wearing fresh dry clothes, and not mildewy damp ones. We may oven go to the pool :)

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