

We have classmates scattered throughout the world. People we spent years with preparing and training. We have memories of eating Rita's bread rolls and rice crispy treats while brainstorming in Mike's office about how to make the missions program more effective. We spent nights preparing for missions emphasis week, hours together on buses traveling to the National Missionary Convention, and many days raising support together for our different fields. Most people we went to school with spent at least one early fall morning in an apple orchard learning about the principles of "harvesting." More than anything we learned at school we built relationships with people who have a passion for people around the world. We may not always have agreed on where to go, or where the greatest need was, but we were there for each other. Today we have class mates all over the world. All in different stages of ministry. Some are still raising support, some are new to their chosen field, and some are veterans. It has been amazing to be part of the steps that these people have taken in getting to the mission field. With joy we read about the victories, and when bad things happen we know we have a network of people around the world praying for us.
Today I am thankful for the friendship and brotherhood I found in the students and instructors at Central Christian College of the Bible. Take some time today to pray for the alumni of our school as they are spread out all over the world bringing hope to lost peoples.


Mary Emberton said...

Aww. We love you guys and think of you often. I'm so thankful for God's work in your lives and His blessing. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted about CCCB...kinda nostalgic. Btw, I'm finishing a class on Cultural Anthropology, which the books are amazing in understanding the way people and societies work. Anyway, God bless!
