
Jingle bells Jingle bells!!

It is Thursday night here. It is stiflingly hot, and I feel like listening to Christmas music. It is true that I am one of those people. You know, those people who can listen to, and enjoy, Christmas music any time of the year. Today we were discussing how different Christmas would be this year. I think we will still get a nylon (is that what a fake tree is made of?) Christmas tree, and maybe even hang some socks on the wall. This year we will probably eat watermelon, and go to the public pool. This Christmas mood has been brought on by the Christmas play that we are rehearsing for. It really has been a huge blessing and so much fun. I used to lead some dance groups when I was in high school, I always thought it would be part of my future. But then I moved to America, and ya'll just don't dance much. I remember the exact day when I finally said "Ok, God, I am not sure why you gave me this desire to dance, I guess that was just a passing thing." I was pretty sad. Now I am here dancing with our kids, and let me tell you these children take to dancing like fish to water. It has been amazing to see some of the attitude changes in the kids who I am dancing with. God knew all along! 
Now I would like to take this opportunity to officially invite all of you to attend our Christmas extravaganza! There will be hear melting singing, foot stomping dancing, and Hollywood level acting!
Thanks for the prayers! God in moving in Namibia!

Here is a small taste of what we will be doing. I am teaching dances to three groups, this song is for the fourth grade class. They will be playing the super cool wise men. (When Don Stoll was here he helped to pick this song! ) 


Jenny said...

So awesome! I love that the kids are enjoying dancing! The Christmas production sounds fabulous :)

The Echols said...

That was a super fast comment! I am impressed!

Anonymous said...

I have been asking God to intervene and touch the hearts of those making decisions about your visa apps. The school needs you both desperately. Don